Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Next week is the first round of swimming lessons at Jackson County Swimming Pool!  There are still openings so sign you children up!  Call us, or stop by!

Lessons start on June 20th, at 1:00 to 2:00, and will end on the 24th. The price per child is $40.00! We will begin with a tour of the facility.  This helps the kids get familiar with it, so they know where they are allowed to go and where not to.  We will also go over the pool saftey rules.  For most kids this is just a refresher, we find it important for every one to be safe while they are having fun in the water!

We separate the children into four different levels, according to their swimming skills.  If you are not sure what level you child should be in, have no fear.  Once we have finished with the tour, and rule reading, we will go though and watch what the child's skills are, we will then decided which level would provide the most benefit to them.

We do ask that the parents not be present in the pool area while lessons are in session.  We ask this because in years passed we have difficulties keeping the children's attention.  When parents are present they tend to not want to listen to instructors, in turn basically wasting you money and time.  You are, however, welcome to stay in the lobby.

Open swim begins at 2 o'clock, right after lessons.  If you have traveled away from your home town, this will make the trip even more worth it.  Your child will be able to swim for at the most three hours.  It will give them lots of extra time to practice and apply what they have learned in lessons.   

If you happen to miss this session, DON'T FRET! We will be having one other session in July!  More info on that session will be available when the time comes!

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